Sunday, December 28, 2014
Crescent's 2015 Wishlist of things that will NEVER happen
As 2014 closes, we begin to look forward to 2015 and all the new things that are on the horizon. Last week, I went over several of the things I am looking forward to 2015 that will probably happen at some point before the year closes. This week, I'm looking at all the things that I really REALLY wish would happen, but am pretty much resigned to admitting that there is no way in hell it will actually occur in order of most likely of the unlikely to Santa Claus is sooner to be proven to exist than this ever happening. Let's start this boulevard of broken dreams with:
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Crescent's 2015 Wishlist of things that will likely happen
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Sunday, December 7, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: 25 Invisible Benefits of Gaming While Male or QUICK ANITA'S RELIVANCE IS DECREASING! REVIVE A DEAD HORSE SO WE CAN BEAT IT SOME MORE!
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I guess they're invisible because they DON'T EXIST! |
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Game Review: Project X Zone
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Strategy RPG; Nintendo 3DS; Bandai Namco Game/SEGA/Capcom; 2012 |
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Game Review: Xenoblade Chronicles
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RPG; Nintendo Wii; Nintendo/Monolith Soft; 2011 |
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Game Review: The Legend of Dark Witch
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2D Action Shooter; 3DS eShop; Flying High; 2014 |
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Game Review: Demon King Box
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Lane Defense; 3DS eShop; Circle; 2014 |
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Game Review: Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX
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Third Person Shooter; 3DS eShop; AKAONI; 2014 |
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: Games I'm looking forward to or I don't have any kind of review ready yet, so let me waste time on things that aren't released yet.
Sorry I don't have anything for you today. I'm making slow progress in the games I'm currently on (which is Project X Zone and Xenoblade Chronicles) as for anime, having spent the last few week watching all of Teen Titans, I'm not really prepared on that front either. True, I could review Teen Titans, but having just reviewed Young Justice, I want at least one "True" anime to review before I tackle another series that argued on whether it counts as anime or not. Other than that, I'm currently in a Smash Bros. tournament over on the Mighty No. 9 forums. Well Two tournaments, but I'm knocked out of the "For Glory" bracket rather decisively; however, I'm still in the running in the "For Fun" bracket. I might have those videos for you guys, if I ever get any kind of camera to record off of my 3DS (since I have both matches saved as replays). And so I decided to just rant on about a few games that I'm looking forward to: One of which is a game nearly everyone knows about and are waiting with baited breath to get, the OTHER is a game you probably don't know about.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Game Review: Kid Icarus Uprising
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3rd Person shooter/On rails shooter; 3DS; Nintendo/Sora; 2012 |
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Game Review: Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
4 Player Fighter; 3DS; Nintendo/Sora/Namco Bandai; 2014 |
Sunday, October 5, 2014
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................................................................................................. What? Don't bother me right now. I'm busy................................................................................................... Go away. I'm playing Smash Bros right now.................................................................................. What? You want my opinion about Smash Bros? It's Smash Bros. Go buy it now...................
Monday, September 29, 2014
Game Review: Bravely Default
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RPG; 3DS; Square Enix; 2014 |
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Anime? Review: Young Justice
Does this count as anime? I'm not sure. I guess it depends on whether or not to count it, but I have nothing better to talk about this week. I'm also a little distracted at the moment given there are Personal Matters that have come up recently and I am currently in the dark about a few aspects. But for now, let's enjoy ourselves with an anime-like show made in America about DC teenage superheroes.... that ISN'T Teen Titans: Young Justice.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Game Review: Unchained Blades
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Dungeon Crawler RPG; 3DS eShop/PSP (3DS Reviewed); FuRyu; 2012/2013 |
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: Anita Sarkeesian: Women As Background Decoration Part 2 Or What Was She Suppose To Be Talking About Again and What is With All of These Crappy Arguments!?
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Killing Women is Sexist, Saving Women is Sexist, Let's face it the moment a Women is involved it is Sexist. |
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Game Review: Azure Striker Gunvolt
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2D Action/Platformer; 3DS eShop; Inti-Creates; 2014 |
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: Zoe Quinn or What the F* is Gaming Journalism Suppose to Be?
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This was the nicest picture I could find... I'll try to find a better one later. |
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Anime Review: Rideback
Did you expect me to write something witty or clever in this intro for my new review? Well the joke's on you because I'm never witty or clever, just long-winded and irritating. Yeah, nothing to report about my life, just that I'm still wishing I had more time to play games (I still need to beat Bravely Default) and I have increased the number of games that is sitting on my shelf untouched. Anyway, now it's time to review an anime about robot motorcycles and stupid evil world governments.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Game Review: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
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2D Platformer; Game Boy/3DS Virtual Console; Nintendo; 1992 |
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Anime Review: Robotics;Notes
Another week, another review (Unless I'm bitching about Anita Sarkeesian destroying gaming as we know it). However, in some positive news last month I garnered over 1,000 views. While it is great that I've reached the next tier of viewership, I have the sneaking suspicion that a good number of those views are bots from two particular sites. Why do I think this? Mainly because outside of "Google" I'm getting a large number of traffic from only two other sites, and they are blogs about diabetes and Halloween, sites with interests that I'm pretty sure don't overlap with my own. Now this has happened to me before, and while it doesn't do anything that harmful, it does make gauging my actual viewership a lot harder to determine. But who knows, maybe I did get 1,000 legit viewers, and if that keeps up I might put some ads on this guy and start getting a little bit of money. Anyway, it's time to get on with the review, this time about Robots.... and some notes.... and a semi-colon.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: Anita Sarkeesian at GaymerX or How She Isn't Trying to Take Away Our Games, But Rather Chop Off Their Balls And Make Them Proud Of It.
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"What About the Men? HA HA HA! They don't count." |
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Game Review: Senran Kagura Burst
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Action/Beat-em-Up; 3DS eShop; Marvelous/Tamsoft; 2013 |
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Game Review: Mega Man ZX Advent
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Action/Adventure; Nintendo DS; Capcom/Inticreates; 2007 |
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Anime Review: Dream Eater Merry
You know at some point I really need to stop buying more games, cause right now I have way more games that I have time to play them. I really need to figure out some way to get me more free time to have fun the only way I know how. Anyway, This week I'm going to review Dream Eater Merry, an anime that really should have been more than just 13 episodes. What about Kaleido Star? Well about that... HEY LOOK A PUPPY!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: Anita Sarkeesian's Women as Background Decoration or How Depicting Sex Workers in Video Game Worlds Where Sex Workers Are Common Place Is Sexist Because of.......... Male Arousal?
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Okay, does Anita think that plaid shirts are the only Nonsexist clothes she can wear? |
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Game Review: 3D Classics Kirby's Adventure
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Action Platformer; 3DS eShop; HAL Laboratory/Nintendo; 2011 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
Anime Review: Tonari no Seki-kun
Sorry, sorry, SORRY! Sorry, for the massive delay in getting this post out. Things have been busy for me this pass weekend. We have moved out of our old house and into our new apartment (which still seems like a huge downgrade), but there is still a LOT of cleaning that needs to be done at the old house, which is what me and my brothers have been doing all of the weekend. Unfortunately, I was ill informed about this so I had almost no time to write a review what with going to the house, cleaning for hours on end, coming back to the apartment to sleep, doing it again in the next day, coming back to the apartment to sleep, and then having to go to work. Anyway, here's the much delayed review for Tonari No Seki-kun, A.K.A. Seki-kun, The Master of Killing Time.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Game Review: Mega Man I-V (GB)
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Action Platformer; Game Boy (3DS Virtual Console); Capcom; 1991-5 (VC 2011, 2014) |
Monday, May 26, 2014
The Lord and Master of Crescent Reviews Is Celebrating Something
Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday. The reason for that is because today is a very special day, and no it's not because it's Memorial Day, that is only important to people who live in the US. No, today is only special to me and the small group of people who are counted as being my friends and family. Do you guys know what day that is? *LOOKS AT THE BANNER ABOVE* Well now you know. Yes, it is my Birthday and for now I will keep my actual age a secret. Thus far my collection of gifts have been rather limited. I only got money from my father, Spice and Wolf Vol. 8 from my brother Jon (which sucks because I am STILL missing Vol. 5 and 7, he says it's in the mail but I don't believe him), and Bravely Default from my brother Aaron.
However, I will not spend this day patting myself on the back for merely existing this long, but rather I want to take time to say something to everyone who is reading this post as well as all the reviews I've put out thus far: Thank you SO much. I started Crescent Reviews after my previous venue for blogs went up in a puff of smoke. It is my hope that one day I can do this kind of review writing for a living. I know it's not all gumdrops and ice cream, but I love video games and anime and over the course of writing reviews I've developed a drive to write. And so I wanted some way to turn this dream into a reality, and thanks to all of you who read my blogs, and even spread the word that I'm out there, I'm a little closer to my dream. This May has just topped out at being my most viewed month since I started with 771 views as of writing this post. I know this is chump change compared to the big name internet icons, and it is no where close to the point where I can sustain myself, should I post ads on my blog, but it is a big milestone to me especially since January of this year my view counts has done nothing but go up. I know this isn't because of me, I haven't been promoting my reviews as much as I should if I want to make this my living. This is all because of you guys, you guys who found my reviews, came back to see what my new stuff, and have even promoted me else where. Thank you so very much, and please continue to support me. I promise to keep this going for as long as I can, so please continue to read my stuff and comment down below. Even if you want to tell me where I'm going wrong, I want to know so that I can improve this blog's experience. And as always,
Until next time
-Crescent, Thank you so much for reading my reviews.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Anime Review: Patlabor: The TV Series
Well the date is set for our move in. This Saturday my brothers and I are going to be living an apartment, well at least on paper, we don't know how soon we can get all our stuff (and by stuff we mainly mean Anime) into the new place, but we are hopefully going to get everything in the the new location soon. Hopefully, this will cut down on the amount of time I need to commute via bus to get to work and school. But for now I have an anime to review and this time I have an old classic to talk about: Patlabor.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Game Review: Witch and Hero
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Tower Defense/RPG; 3DS eShop; CIRCLE Ent.; 2013 |
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Anime Review: Dusk Maiden of Anmesia
Well things are very different from what they where last week. For one, I've got a job which means two things: One, I'm actually getting money, and Two, I have a LOT less free time, especially with the 2 hour bus ride I have to take to GET to work and another 2 hour bus ride to get back home. That and the fact that I'm starting to run up against deadlines in my pottery class and that this weekend I'm going to go out of town to visit my Mom and then after that me and my brothers will be getting ready to move means that I'm experiencing quite a bit more stress than usual. In fact, right now I'm not feeling that well and I just want to crawl into my bed and collapse. But I have a review to write so I apologize if I'm not my chipper self today, as I said, I'm not feeling 100% right now. Anyway on to my review of Dusk Maiden of Amnesia an anime about a ghost who can't remember anything but that doesn't keep her down.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Game Review: Luminous Arc
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SRPG; Nintendo DS; Image Epoch/Atlus; 2007 |
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Anime Review: Tears to Tiara
How are you guys doing this Easter... Wait, it's Easter? Huh, you know after growing too old for Easter Egg hunts, I don't really care about this holiday. Like at all. Well, maybe after buying a few discount chocolate and jelly beans after the fact. Anyway, It's time for a new Anime review, and this time we have a series based on a game made by a company called Aquaplus. I've had experience with this weird association of anime and this particular game company when I saw Utawarerumono (and can you believe that I spelt that correctly on my first try) which was a great series up until it lost it's mind at around episode 22 or so. Does the bizarrely titled "Tears to Tiara" fair better? Let's find out.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Game Review: Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
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Dungeon Crawler RPG; 3DS; Atlus; 2013 |
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Anime Review: Kill la Kill
Hello everyone, a few bits of news for everyone. First and for most is in regards to the Conception II demo I reviewed last week. As the six or seven people who actually read my blog might know, the reason why I posted that review as because Atlus was having a sweepstakes where the winners can get a download copy of one of four games if you posted some sort of content about the demo, including a blog post (also I wanted to try something different). Low and behold, I was one of the contest winners, and so I got a copy of Etrian Odyssey IV. Immediately after the announcement from Atlus, I got a huge boost to my view count. So if you're one of the individuals who came from Atlus's twitter, welcome to my blogs. I'm Crescent, or CRES if you are on the Mighty No. 9 forums, and here I review various anime and video games and I post a new review, or a mindless, rambling, barely coherent rant every Sunday (usually before 5 PM PST). I also now have a Twitter account (because I needed one in order enter the sweepstakes) @CRESC3N7. Follow if you want, I don't really care. Anyway, here is an introduction to the type of reviews I do: Let's review Kill la Kill.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
April Fools Joke Post
What? Did you think I was going to make an April Fools joke post today?...................................... ................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................
Sunday, March 30, 2014
DEMO-lition: Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
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A video game demo review/first look. |
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Anime Review: Maria Holic
Sorry, I'm late this week. There was a streaming event that I regularly watch, and this week's episode was a complete train wreck. I don't want to go into details here about what the show was and what it is about because it has nothing to do with either video games nor anime and is rather political in it's nature, thus I want to distance it from this blog because I don't want to cause unnecessary division. Also, I don't have a video game review ready because the game I'm play "Etrian Odyssey Untold" is rather lengthy. So another anime review it is and this time it's a series about girls, and girls who like girls, and guys who dress up as girls. Yeah, it's one of those series.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: Sarkeesian's "Theft" and the New Game From IntiCreates or Just when Anita Sarkeesian's project couldn't look any more dubious and There is something TOTALLY AWESOME just around the corner.
Before I begin I have some big news... Or at least big news for me. Tomorrow I have an interview for a job and, if all goes well, I can FINALLY start acquiring money... Of course that would also mean I would have far less free time to play video games, watch anime, and review both. But hey, I would have an actual income. But enough about that on to what I'm going to be ranting on about for this week, sorry I don't have anything more interesting to talk about.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Anime Review: Heroman
A new week, a new review. There are a few news items that I want to make mention of, but I don't want to bog down this review with other things so I might make a separate post for them. Other than that, I have my new verdict banners all made up as well as a template for all my review banners that will replace my old ones over on my "Anime Reviews" and "Video Game Reviews" pages, so those will be down until I've finished updating them, which depending on how lazy I am could take a while, but hopefully they will be done within a week. But for now, I present to you HEROMAN! A super hero anime from the most American of all nations: Japan.... wait...
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Crescent's Thoughts On: The "Next" Gen or How this "Next generation" of gaming looks surprisingly like the old one.
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Which Black, barely distinguishable console do you want to own? |
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Game Review: Liberation Maiden
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Shooter; 3DS (eShop Download); Level 5/Grasshopper Manufacture; 2012 |
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Anime Review: R.O.D. TV
Another week another review. Nothing much to talk about this week, other than the fact that it was difficult to get this review up and running. First I couldn't decide on the Anime to review, then I couldn't remember one of the anime I watch recently, and then I groaned every time I remember the anime we JUST finished watching. Anyway, onto this week's review: R.O.D. also known as Read Or Die.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Game Review: Kirby Mass Attack
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Action Platformer; Nintendo DS; Nintendo/HAL Laboratory; 2011 |
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Anime Review: Wolf Children
Not much to say this week. My cousin is in town for the next week and apparently between crashing at my Dad's girlfriend's house and hanging out with me and my brothers, he much prefers us so I might have to play host for him at some point during the week. Other than that not much is going on. Which leaves me with no segue into my anime review, so the next sentence is going to flow as naturally as a brick to the frontal lobe. Mamoru Hosoda is somewhat of a rising star in the anime world. After his start as a director for one of the Digimon movies as well as a One Piece movie, Hosoda went on to become what many would consider the next Hayao Miyazaki with such hits as "The Girl Who Leap Through Time" and "Summer Wars." Now with his latest film "Wolf Children" has Hosoda cemented his place among industry legends? Well what do you think the word "Masterpiece" means?
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Game Review: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
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RPG; Nintendo 3DS; Atlus; 2013 |
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Anime Review: Sunday Without God
Well, I've got a few reviews lined up. Finished watching R.O.D. both the OVA and the TV series, and also watched the latest masterpiece by Mamoru Hosoda (The director of The Girl who Leap Through Time and my personal favorite Summer Wars) Wolf Children. I also have just beaten Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers and am currently making my way through Kirby Mass Attack (I wanted to put a game in between Soul Hackers and Etrian Odyssey Untold so that I don't burn out on First Person dungeon crawlers as fast). But first this Sunday is going to be a Sunday Without God... Because that's the name of the anime I'm reviewing , not because I'm an Atheist or anything... I mean I am an Atheist but... Yeah, let's just get on with the review.
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